Poetry Dose, Diode, Weird Sisters

Three things while I’m thinking of them:

1) Tina Cane has launched a new podcast with Atticus Allen. It’s short (about 10 minutes per segment), it’s called Poetry Dose, and I’m on episode 3 reading “The Ohio Poem” and C. P. Cavafy’s “Ithaka.” You can find it here. Coming soon on Poetry Dose: Vievee Francis, Juan Felipe Herrera, Ryan Murphy, Sebastian Matthews, Lau Cesarco Eglin, Orlando White.

2) Diode 10.2 was just released. Patty Paine kindly assigned me interviews with Michelle Bitting and Rusty Morrison. You can access those interviews here, in addition to a lot of other good things.

3) Weird Sisters, a delightful anthology of poems, stories, artwork, etc., is out and available here. All proceeds benefit Spark Central, a creative space for people of all ages in Spokane, Washington. Shout out to lovely weird sister Sharma Shields for including me.

4) My oldest kid graduates from middle school and will officially be in high school in a couple of hours. Can you even believe it? I can’t.

I know that’s a fourth thing, but it’s on my mind. Just look how cute he was when he graduated from kindergarten. Now he’s taller than my husband.

Passage of time. Etc., etc.

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